Saturday, 4 December 2010

Much Much Build

The build diary in pictures:
The once neglected 1979 CB250T

Evaluation of stance: After striping the bike down I experimented with dropping the rear of the bike which gave a natural rotation to the motor and rake to the forks - but not enough! I then cut into the frame to further rake the forks and better centre the mass of the motor between the wheels.

Tank Modifications: the original flip-up tank cover was missing, I detail which I didn't much like anyway. The bayonet opening was cut out and moved to the new infill panel.

Details of some of the fabrication and modification:

Detail of some of the smaller components made: while the gear change and rear brake linkages look simple they took a long time to make, the brake in particular had to be set so that it didn't crash into the swingarm. The turnbuckle on the bottom right is the brace for the carburettors.

All in a days work - actually 55 days work.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Much Much to Post

People have been feverishly posting comments about Much Much Go on various sites, many of whom have missed the point. These two pictures are for them...
photos by craig

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Much Much More....

Bike Exif have posted some amazing images of Much Much Go on their Facebook page.
Deus have also updated their gallery to include images of the entrants, their bikes and coverage of the day. Also, their coverage of the day in Flickr.

I just need to get my images of the build posted too.